Overview of Rules

The rules governing Dunes span various verticals, with social consensus considered a crucial element. Key parameters that require ecosystem agreement include (1) the starting block of indexing, (2) starting length of the tick, (3) the pace of reducing the tick length, and (4) the protocol identifier. To align with the Runes standard on Bitcoin, a straightforward, cohesive ruleset has been proposed.

As for the technicalities, Dunes adheres to Bitcoin’s standards in encoding integers, transfers, and issuances. The UTXO-based nature of Dune balances, protocol messages in transactions, and burn mechanisms for invalid protocol messages contribute to the integrity, functionality, and longevity of the protocol. In other words, the essential parameters the ecosystem needs to agree on are as follows:

  1. The indexing starting block

  2. The tick starting length

  3. The pace of reducing each tick length

  4. The protocol identifier

As Dunes is a dry-run for Runes, and seeing the way in which Dogecoin developed to follow Ordinal Theory, the logical way to go about this is to thus follow Bitcoin’s upcoming Rune standard.

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